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Ships by Dentaurum Inc. within 5 to 10 business days
Reverse Loop – mesial
The inverted loop is better for suppressing the gag reflex.
Enables controllable movements of maxillary molars.
1 assortment = 30 pieces
ø | 0.90 mm / 36 |
Strength category | hard · 1400—1600 N/mm2 |
Material | Stainless steel |
5 x remanium® Goshgarian palatal bars, Reverse Loop - mesial, Length 37 mm | 728-021-00 |
5 x remanium® Goshgarian palatal bars, Reverse Loop - mesial, Length 52 mm | 728-026-00 |
5 x remanium® Goshgarian palatal bars, Reverse Loop - mesial, Length 46 mm | 728-024-00 |
5 x remanium® Goshgarian palatal bars, Reverse Loop - mesial, Length 40 mm | 728-022-00 |
5 x remanium® Goshgarian palatal bars, Reverse Loop - mesial, Length 49 mm | 728-025-00 |
5 x remanium® Goshgarian palatal bars, Reverse Loop - mesial, Length 43 mm | 728-023-00 |
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