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Ships by Dentaurum Inc. within 5 to 10 business days
Available Options
* Select Hook
* Buccal Attachement RX
* Select Quantities (Pack of 10)
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Rating :
Lip bumper/facebow tube | with lip bumper/facebow tube occlusal |
Banding/Bonding technique | Banding technique |
System |
Slot | 18 / 22 |
Maxillary/Mandibular | Maxillary |
Torque | 0° |
Distal Offset | 0° |
Hook | with mesial hook |
Tube type | double combination |
Convertible | non-convertible |
Base marking | None |
Product Name: | Ortho / Ortho-Cast - Standard-Metal-Tubes, Double Combination, Non-Convertible |
MPN: | 727-266-00 |
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