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Ships by Orthodentalusa Corp. within 3 to 5 business days
The ColdentCare Orthodontic Kit Premium K147 is a comprehensive and portable dental care kit for individuals with braces or orthodontic appliances. This kit ensures optimal oral hygiene and promotes a healthy, confident smile at home and on the go. Let’s explore its key features and components in detail: Dental Floss (12m): The dental care kit contains 12 meters of dental floss, promoting effective plaque removal and ensuring healthy gums. Regular flossing is crucial for maintaining optimal oral health and preventing dental issues. Orthodontic Wax (5 bars): The kit provides five bars of orthodontic wax for individuals with braces or orthodontic appliances. This wax acts as a protective barrier between the mouth and the appliances, alleviating discomfort and reducing irritation caused by braces.
Dental Floss Mint Pocket
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