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Ships by Frontier Dental Supply within 1 to 5 business days
NeoBurr Operative Carbides are sterile, single-use burs uniquely designed to deliver quick, stable, and chatter-free procedures. The burs have a one-piece construction, engineered to withstand rigorous forces by removing the welded joints, usually the weak point of a two-piece bur.
They feature a thick blended neck portion between the bur head and the shank without reducing the neck width to minimize breakage risk, guaranteeing a safe, hassle-free procedure. NeoBurr Operative Carbides contain six blades that ensure more contact with the tooth and provide superb cutting ability without clogging.
The Round-Ended burs are used for initial cavity preparation, drilling, and excavation, and creating and enlarging access points. They are also functional in establishing initial depth marks in preparation for dental prosthetics.
The round shape makes them usable at any angle, and the variety of smaller head diameters are perfect for more minute preparations.
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