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Ships by Frontier Dental Supply within 1 to 5 business days
Maxcem Elite self-cure and self-adhesive resin cement employ proven technology that offers higher bond strengths and convenient use while guaranteeing superior performance. The simplified mechanism eliminates the need for hand mixing and refrigeration.
Maxcem Elite has bond strengths between 22-36MPa, making it an ideal cement for anterior and posterior composites, ceramic, PFMs (Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns), metal restorations, CAD/CAM materials, zirconia-based restorations, and crown to implants. The thixotropic feature of the cement facilitates the placement of the material and mess-free cleanup.
Maxcem Elite enhances surface contact through its advanced resin matrix and filler systems, resulting in fast light curing and material stability. Use the intraoral and root canal tips for the convenient delivery of the material in hard-to-reach areas.
Each Bulk Pack includes 4 (5 g) dual syringes clear Maxcem Elite; 16 (4:1) regular automix tips; 8 (4:1) wide automix tips; 8 intraoral tips; 8 root canal tips; directions for use.
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