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GC FujiCem 2 Automix Package: 2 - 7.2 ml (13.3g) cartridges SL (Slide & Lock) System. Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Luting Cement. Powered by F2 Flex Fuse Technology, which incorporates new high-elastic, cross-linking monomers with a modified filler-surface treatment that increases strength properties. Flex Fuse technology also offers high fluoride release, low film thickness, and excellent marginal integrity.Â
FujiCEM 2 is a second-generation resin-modified glass ionomer luting cement that employs F2 Flex Fuse Technology for enhanced bond strength on all indirect restorations. The innovative technology utilizes revolutionary high-elastic crosslinking monomers with fitted filler-surface treatment for a hyper-mineralized zone at the tooth interface, resulting in outstanding marginal sealing.
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