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Ships by Frontier Dental Supply within 1 to 5 business days
Fuji Plus is a resin-modified glass ionomer cement with excellent bonding and sealing properties that guarantee consistent, long-term adhesion and tooth protection. It features finely ground glass fillers that help produce an extremely smooth mixing consistency of cement with low film thickness.
Fuji Plus uses a resin reinforcement technology that significantly enhances the cement's cohesive strength on dentin and enamel. It provides fast setting results, taking only 60 seconds after seating metal crowns, bridges, metal copings, metal and porcelain inlays, and metal onlays.
It is also suitable for short preps, Cerec, and eMax restorations. Available as cement capsules or powder and liquid formula.
Each 1:1 kit contains 15 g of powder, a 7 ml/Bt of liquid, a 6.5 ml Fuji Plus conditioner, a scoop, and a mixing pad.
Powder and liquid refills sold separately.
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