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Ships by Frontier Dental Supply within 1 to 5 business days
CX-Plus GlasIonomer is a luting cement that provides a longer working time of 4 minutes and 10 seconds from the start of mixing without compromising viscosity. Unlike competitive luting cement, it has a high 149 MPa compression resistance and 177 Mpa compressive strength.
It has a low 15-micron film thickness that enhances marginal stability. By bonding to dentin and enamel, CX-Plus offers a rimming seal to overcome sensitivity after dental operations.
The high fluoride release, high-grade radiopacity, and low level of acid erosion make this luting cement ideal for cementing crowns, inlays, long-span bridges, and orthodontic appliances. Formulated for easy mixing and convenient handling; made to resist water contamination on the first stage.
CX-Plus GlasIonomer has a guaranteed 3-year shelf life.
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