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For Use with Milled and 3D Printed RPD and C&B Resin Patterns
ResinVest phosphate investment is made specifically for burning out printed or milled resin patterns. The investment is fiber-reinforced to strengthen the resistance of the investment to cracking and finning during the burnout of RPD or crown and bridge patterns for castings or pressed ceramic restorations.
This high performance material offers a wide expansion range and optimal fit of the casting. It also features a rapid burnout technique in order to reduce processing time and increase productivity. Its fluid consistency promotes ease of investing, smooth casting surfaces and it divests easily.
Please note : A 100-100g package of ResinVest will require 2L + 340mL of Special Liquid Concentrate – Plus.
Please note : A 55lb. carton of ResinVest will require 6L of Special Liquid Concentrate – Plus.
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