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VECTOR F-Series Highspeed Handpiece
Recommended as our # 1 best value!
Our most rugged handpiece. Specifically designed and built for durability even under the harsh conditions of large group practices, government or corporate dental clinics. Whether you are looking to replace your Midwest Quiet-Air or Tradition highspeeds or older KaVo models like the 640B or the 642B, the Vector F-series is a great choice! Traditional styling, grip and feel make for a seamless and easy transition to the F-Series. Easily upgrade from your existing KaVo high-speeds and experience: Similar power, torque and cutting efficiency to your KaVo high-speeds! Without the Vector name on the side – YOU WOULD SWEAR IT IS A KAVO!
1 year limited warranty
Product Features
In 2001 Vector introduced the F5 highspeed handpiece. While there have been improvements and upgrades along the way, we are still offering this handpiece under $400.00 – the same price range it was over 10 years ago. If you are looking for a great handpiece with the perfect combination of power, torque, ultra-smooth-concentric performance and long lasting durability, with a traditional feel……. Look no further than the Vector F-Series highspeeds.
Connects directly to your existing KaVo Multiflex™ swivel couplers. Fiberoptic (with light) or Non-Optic (without light) are both available with a swivel connector for quick and easy removal for sterilization between patients. Reduce tubing drag and increase office efficiency – a must for every busy dental office!
This is a great upgrade for dentists dissatisfied with the performance and durability of their Midwest Traditionâ„¢ and Quiet-air bur tool and lever highspeeds. Dentists using a canister highspeed like the Schein Master, Athena/Champion or Alpha-Air highspeeds, will notice increased durability and improved cutting efficiency as well as reduced noise and vibration.
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